Lisa Bate (graduated 2009) Came in this week to talk to level 3 about her recent Northlands Glass metal and glass casting residency, it sounded amazing: Lisa said she learnt so much and met some really inspiring people. The iron casting process was particularly interesting quite physically demanding and a real experience, see the photos in the flickr link below

Here's some photos on flckr of Lisa and fellow artist in residence Katya Filmus, Kate Hobby and Clare Flatley   

Lisa specialises in kiln formed glass and metalwork, producing both static and kinetic sculpture. Lisa was awarded an Honorary Diploma from the Jutta Cuny-Franz Foundation in 2011, exhibited at The British Glass Biennale in 2010, and most recently her sculpture Genera Nucleation III was selected by the Jury for the Zwieseler Kolbl Wild Dreams exhibition for the European Advancement Award for Young Glass Artists