International Day of the Widow | Journée internationale des veuves

International Day of the Widow | Journée internationale des veuves

The commemoration of the International Day of the Widow, 23 June, provides the opportunity to highlight the numerous difficulties that women endure at the death of their husbands. Plunged into a state of mourning, widows sometimes find themselves without the protection of a social net for the first time since their marriage. Too often they are deprived of their inheritance, property rights, access to employment and even the means to ensure their survival.

La célébration de Journée internationale des veuves, le 23 juin, offre l’occasion d’attirer l’attention sur les nombreuses difficultés que connaissent les femmes lorsque leur mari meurt.  Plongées dans le chagrin, les veuves se retrouvent parfois sans filet de protection sociale pour la première fois depuis leur mariage.  Trop souvent, elles sont privées du droit d’hériter, de droits fonciers, de l’accès à l’emploi et même des moyens d’assurer leur survie.

Poster of the film Neria (1993) by the late Godwin Mawuru. Neria portrays the problems African women face when widowed. Patrick and Neria, through their hard work and resourcefulness, have built a comfortable life for themselves. When Patrick dies tragically, Neria’s nightmare begins. Taking advantage of tradition to suit his own needs, her brother-in-law helps himself to her property. Neria fights back.  (Source: Media for Development Trust).

Affiche du film Neria (1993) du regretté Godwin Mawuru.

See also | À voir aussi : 

"Le dos de la veuve" (the back of the widow), the politically committed documentary by Cameroonian Mary-Noël Niba, critique by Maturin Petsoko.

«Le dos de la veuve», le documentaire engagé de la camerounaise Mary-Noël NIBA, critique par Maturin Petsoko