Blog Archive
- Ian Pratt Knives
- Items in the Williamsburg Dewitt Museum
- Appalachian Style Powder Horns by Jeff Bibb
- 1750 to 1775 era New England Pistol by Eric Ketten...
- Hunting Pouch by Harry Hawthorne with a Mike Small...
- Items in the Williamsburg Dewitt Museum
- Cyprus and the Quest for Safe Havens
- Knife by Brian Barker
- Game Front by Steven Radosevich
- Jud Brennan for Ed Louer
- Jamestown Horn by "Wild Willy" Frankfort
- Contemporary Makers Portraits: Hershel House, Lall...
- 2013 CLA Silent Auction Item: Joe Mills Hunting Po...
- Research: Gender and Sexuality in West African Fra...
- Dennis Priddy Rifle
- Bag Ax by Hugh Holborn
- Powder Horn by John Barret for Barry Maxfield
- A Carving Mallet by Tom Curran
- International Day of the Widow | Journée internati...
- York County Smoothrifle by D. McDonal
- When Times Good by David Wright
- Colonial Rum Casks
- Antique Powder Horn
- Early American Portraits at Museum of Folk Art
- Pipe Axes by Steve Boyleston
- 2013 CLA Live Auction: WIKI UP ~ An Original Paste...
- Small Kidney Shaped Field Bag by Bob Dodson
- Republicans ♥ Hobbes
- Hunting Pouch by Dave Bard
- Tim Ridge Knife and Sheath
- Randy Hedden for Todd Daggett
- Knife by Ken Gahagan
- Aya de Yopougon, an animation film by Marguerite A...
- 2013 CLA Live Auction: A Woodland Native Prisoner ...
- Steve Lodding Powder Flask
- Austrian Style 17th Century Musket by Yancey von Y...
- Bullet Pouches by Eric Fleisher and Mitch Yates
- Ember Tongs by Barry Myers
- A Barrett for Lally House by Glen Mock
- Stephen Middagh Powder Horn at Cowan's Auction
- Hunting Pouch by Eric Ewing for Gunmaker Jack Hans...
- Cheyenne Ledger Book Powder Horn by Kevin Hart
- Plug Bayonet by Wick Ellerbe
- Knife and Fork Set by Glen McClain
- "On the Trails of the Iroquois" Exhibit at the Bun...
- Mike Miller Virginia Rifle
- 2013 CLA Live Auction: Jerry Eitner Powder Horn
- Hacker Martin Pistol with a Handmade Lock
- "On the Trails of the Iroquois" Exhibit at the Bun...
- Chaining farts together to explain music
- Ken Netting Canoe Gun
- "On the Trails of the Iroquois" Exhibit at the Bun...
- Well done to second year Craft Student Jamie Colli...
- Powder Horn by John Gaeckle
- 2013 CLA Live Auction: “Andrew Jackson’s Dueling P...
- Mid 17th Century English Yoeman Hunting Rifle by D...
- Antique Powder Measures
- Furniture from the Milwaukee Art Museum
- Scrimshawed by Kathy England
- Antique Powder Horn
- Log Cabin by Carroll Ross and Friends
- Knife and Fork Set by Ian Pratt
- Antique Candle Box
- Brian Anderson Virginia Rifle
- Jeff Bottiger Powder Horn
- Maryland to the Frontier CD by the Kentucky Rifle ...
- Famous composers I've never heard of
- Pipe Ax by Stash David
- Striker by Jim Hayes
- Allan Sandy Rifle
- The Longhouse at the Bundeskunsthalle from "On the...
- Evangelicals and/or Christianity
- Hunting Pouch by Joe Mills with Antique Powder Horn
- Living With A Collection: Manfred Schmitz
- 17th Century Pirate flask by William "Wild Willy" ...
- "On the Trails of the Iroquois" from the Exhibit
- Antique Powder Horns and Hunting Pouch from Cowan'...
- Hunting Pouch with Game Front by Steven Radosevich
- Small Quillwork Neck Sheath by Jan and Rochelle Ze...
- Philip Georg Friedrich von Reck Drawings
- Antique Powder Horn from Cowan's Auction
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Ed began making barrels in 1975. He no longer builds rifles. Hudson Valley Fowlers by Kenneth Gahagan Alan Sandy Rifle Damascus Barrel for G...
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