"On the Trails of the Iroquois" Exhibit at the Bundeskunsthalle

Manfred Schmitz has been able to acquire a limited license from the Bundeskunsthalle for the use of these images until the end of August at which time they will be delete from Contemporary Makers Blog.

John Verelst (1670–1740) Sa Ga Yeath Qua Pieth Tow, König der Maquas (Mohawk) 1710, 
Öl auf Leinwand Library and Archives Canada, Gatineau, QC

Knife sheath Iroquoise or Algonquian mid 18th century 
Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford

Oil Painting from Benjamin West (1738-1820)  General Johnson 
Derby Museum and Art Gallery

Thomas Hicks (after Robert Walter Weir) Sagoyewatha (Red Jacket) 1868, Oil Painting  
National Portrait Gallery, Washington DC

Quillt bag 18th century 
Peter der Große Museum für Anthropologie und Ethnographie der Russischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, St. Petersburg

This is the piece that was reproduced by Michael Galban that is part of the exhibit that was posted here.

bag  St. Lorenz-Valley early 18th century   
Musée du quai Branly, Paris

sash great lakes mid 18th century   
Musée du quai Branly, Paris

Copy and photos supplied by Contemporary Makers' European Correspondent, Manfred Schmitz.